My wonderful husband is a Firefly fan. He reads forums about prop making and came across patterns for Jayne's hat. I agreed to make him one. After several trips to the craft store and buying multiple skeins of various yarns for him to choose from, I have managed to knit him a hat that he is proud to wear. I put extra effort into reproducing the hat with its straggly bits instead of trying to improve on the design. The ear flaps curl up and have strings hanging. The whole thing is loose and floppy. But, wonderful husband feels loved and that is what counts.

I then proceeded to make a not-quite-matching hat for our little angel. I used soft cotton yarn in baby girl colors. She seems to like it, but she doesn't keep hats on her head. This is fine for now as it is currently the hottest part of summer here. When winter comes we will try to keep it on her head longer.
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